Redevelopment of Canterbury City Council offices Military Road, Canterbury
Welcome to our public consultation website.
This public consultation website has been produced as part of our community engagement in relation to an emerging planning application to regenerate the Canterbury City Council Offices for the redevelopment of new homes at Military Road.
Stonebond Properties (Sevenoaks) Ltd, OnArchitecture, and Stantec have prepared this website to illustrate our vision for the redevelopment of the Site.
Stonebond was formed in 1975 by the Cherry Family, the founders of Countryside Properties, and is recognised for its quality of design, sustainable practices, and personal ethos. As an SME developer, Stonebond focus on delivering high quality and sustainable developments that deliver homes that are not just valued but create value by positively contributing to the local area.
What is proposed?
The redevelopment of the Canterbury City Council Offices to provide 125 new homes with associated landscaping and infrastructure. The proposal will result in the redevelopment of brownfield land within the Canterbury City boundary and provide much needed housing with services and facilities located within walking distance.
Summary of Proposals:
- 125 new homes in total.
- 30% affordable homes incorporated into the scheme, across a mixture of tenures
- Redevelopment of a brownfield site that is located in a highly sustainable location within close proximity to the City Centre.
- All building to be of a maximum of three storeys in height.
- Pedestrian and cycle connections to surrounding roads and public rights of way.
- Parking provision on the site that will meet the required standards.
- Retention of mature trees on Site.
- Provision of a secondary pedestrian, cycle and vehicular access point.
- Located within close proximity to a range of services, facilities, healthcare and schools.
The redevelopment of the Site will follow the relocation of Canterbury City Council to alternative offices within the City Centre.
Get Involved
As a Full planning application, the submission to the Council will include full details of the site layout and appearance of the development, including the mix and type of housing proposed
To view our exciting new plans, please click on the other tabs for a review of what is being proposed.
To leave any feedback on any aspect of the development, please click on the ‘Your Views’ tab which will allow you to submit your feedback. We encourage you to review the draft layout plan before leaving comment.
The feedback received will be reviewed and analysed. Where practicable, it will be used to inform the final planning application that is submitted to Canterbury City Council.