Proposals for Military Road

The Proposed Development

This scheme has evolved through positive pre-application discussions with Officers at Canterbury City Council, whereby the principle of residential development in this location is agreed and supported in line with the adopted and emerging policy position. All comments received by the Council throughout the pre-application discussion have been duly considered and incorporated into the development proposals thus far.

The proposed works comprise the redevelopment of the Former Canterbury City Council Offices to provide 125 homes.

The proposed residential development will comprise a mixture of flatted and house typologies consisting of 1-, 2-, 3, and 4-bedroom homes. The development proposals will include a mixture of detached, semi-detached, terraced and flatted properties.

The scheme is proposed to be built to a maximum of 3 storeys to reflect the local residential characteristics of the area. The proposed mix has been designed to be broadly in accordance with the emerging Local Plan required housing mix to reflect the most up-to-date evidence base position.

The development will provide affordable homes at a policy compliant level. The affordable provision will comprise a mix of apartments and houses with 2 or 3 bedrooms. The affordable housing dwellings will include a mixture of tenures meet a variety of needs across the District.

The application will be accompanied by a high-quality landscaping scheme and tree strategy plan to complement the high-quality design proposed. Where practicable, existing tree assets across the Site will be retained.

A detailed planning application will be submitted to Canterbury City Council in early 2024.

Sketch Site LayoutView Chaucer Road